In short, the students here are amazing, spirited and challenging. Don't forget, this is a rural rubber farming town so learning the English language has about as many immediate applications as learning latin in North America. That said they are all very bright kids, they just need a talented and motivated teacher to make English fun and engaging for them. At the end of the day English is an extremely valuable asset in today's globalized world, so staying motivated and meeting the challenge will result in a very rewarding experience. Whether you teach Batom (grades 1-6) or Matayom (Grades 7-10) you will love all of your students and share some really memorable moments.
My Matayom 2 class (grade 8) had some of my favorite students, they were all outspoken, energetic and as you can see, hilarious!
There are always those kids that are too cool for school
But that doesn't mean that they don't love their teacher
Kirsty and my Matayom 1 class after we finished the last lesson of the year
Bank (center) and I laugh as we play a quiz game on the last day of class
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